Getting Started

1.0 Getting Started

1.01 To make a copy of the Dividend-Tracker (DT) read-only template Sign up for a Google account if you don't have one. Click on the link in your email to load the spreadsheet. Make a copy for yourself and give it a name. Now you can add your own data.

1.02 PAGES individual sheets indicated by the tabs at the bottom of the page. The current tab is bright white with green text. In the instructions, PAGES are indicated by all CAPS. ****In the instructions, Column names are indicated by initial caps in like Initial Purchase Date (E).

1.03 Setup accounts, security types, and sources on the START page Your copy of Dividend-Tracker contains an automatic connection to another Google spreadsheet called DT Prices that will update stock prices throughout the day and dividend rates weekly. Prices are provided by IEX Cloud and dividend rates by Seeking Alpha.

1.04 Prices may be delayed, so check the price with your online broker before you make a purchase or a sale. Mutual funds are always priced at the end of the day.

1.1 Add a few stocks to try it out. Collect the following information. you will need: the symbol the name number of shares owned average cost per share initial purchase date you don't need all of the buy/sell transactions and dividend payments.

Don't delete the sample data yet.

1.11 To get to the first empty row of stock data, go to the MAIN page, column A , and press CTRL+down arrow , then the down arrow again to get to the first empty row. Enter your data; one stock in each row:

Make up your own name for each security or copy the text from your brokerage account or the Seeking Alpha page by clicking on the link in column X on the MAIN page.

Choose asset type, account, and source from the drop down menus that reflect what you entered on the START page. Click the boxes in columns J,K, and L if appropriate, based on your choices on the START page.

The DT MAIN page

The DT MAIN page